David Gesualdi

David Gesualdi is a Sculptor/Printmaker. The human figure and landscape are used as a starting point to launch his creative process into a variety of physical materials. David has explored the unlimited expressive possibilities of marble, clay, bronze and all aspects of intaglio printmaking. His work has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the New York metropolitan area; most notably in New York at The National Academy Museum, Artist Space Gallery, and The Fervor Gallery. In Connecticut at The Silvermine Guild Gallery, The Gallery at Still River Editions and The Center for Contemporary Printmaking.
Commissioned public monuments include: The Bethel Veterans Monument, which now stands in front of the Bethel, CT Municipal Center. The P.T. Barnum Monument (a life size full figure portrait statue in bronze) which now stands in front of the Bethel, CT Public Library, and The Richard Reyn-olds Memorial (a life size full figure portrait statue in bronze) Town Center, Montgomery, NY
David’s education has been diverse and has included studies at TheUniversity of Bridgeport, Bache-lor of Arts: New York University, NY, NY, Color Studies in Intaglio Printmaking: The Art Students League, NY, NY, Anatomy, Drawing, and Sculpture: The New York Academy of Art, NY, NY, Anat-omy, Sculpture: The Carving Studio, W. Rutland VT, Stone Carving: Studio Leonardi, Pietrasanta, Italy, Marble Carving: He can be followed on Instagram @gesualdidave