Silvermine Guild of Artists

Formed in 1922 and incorporated in 1924, the Guild’s history reaches back to the early 1900’s. Originating from famed sculptor Solon Borglum’s critique group, the Knockers Club, the Silvermine Guild of Artists has been a hub for some of the most talented artists in the Northeast. Since that time, guild membership has grown to almost 300 artist members, and has included such renowned artists as Abe Ajay, James Daugherty, Carlus Dyer, James Flora, James Grashow, Robert Kaupelis, Alice Neel, Gabor Peterdi, Charles Reiffel, and honorary member Faith Ringgold.

Since its inception, guild membership has been a selective peer jurying process. As a result, the guild has held its membership to high standards with many members having work represented in permanent collections of some of the world’s most prestigious museums, as well as prominent private and corporate collections.

Consider becoming a member of this dynamic artistic community. Enjoy the many opportunities of belonging to a supportive community of nationally and internationally exhibiting artists, having an opportunity to exhibit your work in guild juried shows in a stunning gallery space, representation on the global platform Artnet and selling your work through the Galleries, exhibitions, and in our gallery store.


Guild Membership applications are now open for Fall . 

Deadline for submissions: Wednesday, September 25

Notification: week of Oct 14




Artist Members
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Christine Aaron
Sophie Acheson
Pam Ackley
June Ahrens
Aysha Akhtar
Leslie Alexander
Thomas Anastasio
Jon Arabolos
Tom Atwood
Sally H Aubrey
Mary Bailey
Britt Bair
Sarah Balcombe
Paul Balmer
Dunia Barrera
Susan Barrett
Rita Baunok
Laura Beaumont
Nina Bentley
Suzanne Benton
Lisa Berger
Caroline Bergonzi
Pernel Berkeley
Thomas Berntsen
Jeanne Bessett
Miriam Bisceglia
Margot Bittenbender
Meg Bloom
Martha Bloom
Stacy Bogdonoff
Sonia Bombart
Carol Bouyoucos
Susan Bradley
Paedra Bramhall
Nancy Breakstone
Michael Brennecke
Scott Bricher
Lisa Keats Britton
Lisa Brody
Connie Brown
Janine Brown
Lucienne Buckner
Bevi Bullwinkel
Debra Burger
Eoin Burke
Miggs Burroughs
Trace Burroughs
Serena Buschi
Karen Brussat Butler
James Buxton
Jennifer Cadoff
Louise Cadoux
Susana Canosa
Sharon Cavagnolo
Ann Chernow
Eric Chiang
Phyllis Clamage
Marilyn Clements
Susan Clinard
Heidi Lewis Coleman
Sara Conklin
Ann Conrad
Kathy Conway
Cynthia Cooper
Marcia Cooper
Susan Cox
Joan Cox
Alder Crocker
Phyllis Crowley
Gary Cruz
Adrienne Cullom
Ivy Dachman
Robert Dancik
Marina Daneva
Beatrice del Perugia
Tertuliano Delgado
Elysa DeMartini
Peggy Dembicer
Liz Dexheimer
Jan Dilenschneider
Carol Nipomnich Dixon
James Dormer
Jessica Dowling
Katharine Draper
Amanda Duchen
Kelly Duffield
Bruce Dunbar
David Dunlop
Frances Eber
Loren Eiferman
Carole Eisner
Camille Eskell
Patti Ettinger
Kat Evans
Alanna Fagan
June Farnham
Liz Albert Fay
Susan Fehlinger
Norma Flanagan
Lisa Flynn
Heide Follin
Kevin Ford
Donna Forma
Rose-Marie Fox
Cecilia Moy Fradet
Sally Frank
Lisa Freeman
Bess French
Michele Gage
Christy Gallagher
Sandy Garnett
Nathaniel Gibbons
Elizabeth Gilfilen
Leslie Giuliani
Hanneke Goedkoop
Lois Goglia
Carla Goldberg
Dorothea Goldys-Bass
Alicia Gonzalez
Andrew Graham
James Grashow
Mindy Green
Robert Gregson
Arthur Guagliumi
CJ Guerin
Douglas Haddock
Shiela Hale
April Hammock
John Harris
Vincent Hawley
Charlotte Hedlund
Fran Henry-Meehan
Elizabeth Higgins
Jennifer Moné Hill
Barbara Hocker
Ann Hodgdon-Cyr
Will Holub
Mindy Horn
Benice Horowitz
Heather Houston
Renée Hughes
Nash Hyon
Blinn Jacobs
Ning Jia
Paul Eric Johnson
Christopher Jones
Stephanie Joyce
Joseph Jurson
Natasha Karpinskaia
Barry Katz
Judith Orseck Katz
Constance Keller
Brigid Kennedy
Elisa Keogh
Renée Khatami
Natalya Khorover
Constance Kiermaier
Elizabeth Killgore
Stephen Klema
Linda Kourkoulis
Michael David Kozlowski
Jean Krasno
Marlene Krumm-Sanders
Lucy Krupenye
Linda Kuehne
Ron Lake
Peter Lampke
Corinne Lapin-Cohen
Nancy Lasar
Cate Leach
Susan Leggitt
Ralph Joseph Levesque
Janet Levine
Suzanne Levy
Clare Lewis
Robert M. Loebell
Kerry Long
David Lubarsky
Jane Lubin
Rita Maas
Cynthia MacCollum
Dan Makara
Michael Manning
Mary Manning
Susan Manspeizer
Lynn Mara
David Marchi
Fruma Markowitz
Mary Elizabeth Marvin
Winston Lee Mascarenhas
Ellen Mason
Janice Mauro
Alex McFarlane
Nancy McTague-Stock
Sandy Meagher
Carl Mehrbach
Claudia Mengel
Robert Meyer
Bob Miranti
Day Moore
Roger Mudre
Cynthia Mullins
Donna Namnoum
Erin Nazzaro
Karen Neems
Nancy Egol Nikkal
Angie O'Brien
Julie O'Connor
Constance Old
Paola Page
Carol Paik
Lee Paine
Hank Paper
Mary Tooley Parker
Jill Parry
Peter Petrochko
Connie Pfeiffer
Kathryn Poch
David Pressler
Penny Putnam
Jon Puzzuoli
James Reed
Nancy Reinker
Maureen Renahan-Krinsley
Michele Riche
Marilyn Richeda
Michael Ricigliano
Barbara Ringer
Michael Rohde
Jack Rosenberg
Minna Rothman
Marybeth Rothman
Nan Runde
Lucy Sallick
Missy Savard
Gay Schempp
Ellen Schiffman
Lisa Scroggins
Rosalind Shaffer
Barbara Shapiro
Susan Sharp
Susan Siegel
Marlene Siff
Narelle Sissons
Janet Slom
Vicki French Smith
Debbie Smith
Susan Sommer
Anita Soos
Karen Sorensen
Susan Hacker Stang
Jodi Steifel
Judith Steinberg
Susan Stillman
Eve Stockton
Lawre Stone
Florence Suerig
Jane Sutherland
Sofie Swann
Jonathan Talbot
Priya Tambe
Nina Temple
Lisa Thoren
Thomas Throop
Marjorie Tomchuk
Susan Cutler Tremaine
Pamela Tucker
Meg Tweedy
Lynn Ubell
Jo Ubogy
Ryan Van Der Hout
Betty Vera
Almudena Fernandez Vicens
Mitchell Visoky
Karen Vogel
James Von Klemperer
Steve Wallerstein
Ginny Waters
Gregg Welz
Joan Wheeler
Christa Whitten
Justin Wiest
Jarvis Wilcox
Bonnie Woit
Debi Worley
Michael Yamaoka
Torrance York
Michael Zack
Edward Zerdy
Florence Zolan